Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gettelfinger's Legacy--the Epitaph of the UAW?

For recent perspective on responses from UAW workers after last week's UAW conference, see Gregg Shotwell's (UAW Local 2151) essay, "Gettelfinger's Legacy--the Epitaph of the UAW?" on the FutureoftheUnion Blogsite--
The most striking thing about a Gettelfinger speech is how sincerely insincere he can be. You can almost hear the McGuire Sisters harmonizing in the background and wiping schmaltz on their aprons as he screams, “Solidarity! Solidarity! Solidarity Forever!”

The man who perpetuates a self image of frugality and religious devotion shepherds his flock into the sleaziest city in America and condemns corporate extravagance without blinking. The man who evokes the words of Walter Reuther to justify concessions doesn’t acknowledge the passing of Victor Reuther last year. The man who flaunts his work ethic adjourns the convention early just as he did the Bargaining Con four years ago. The man who talks about innovation has one solution for everything: blame the Republicans.

The threat is clear. The plan of action is vague and feeble. Gettelfinger is long on rhetoric, short on tactic, and weak on direct action. Beneath the hoopla and the helium balloons I detected a simmering discontent.

To read more from Shotwell, click here.
To read Gettelfinger's speech to the UAW, click here.


At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gettlefingers legacy--the epitaph of the UAW



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